My household cleaning and upkeep schedule

I have recently decided to have a more 'routine way' of doing my household chores.  At the moment, I am still doing laundry almost everyday, or whenever there is a pile of laundry in the hamper.  After deciding to learn from some of the housekeeping experts online, and make use some of their cleaning tips for home, I thought I come up with a regular schedule of doing things around the house too.  Hopefully, it will bring some order to my life, not having to go grocery shop several times a week, wasting time and overspending each time I am at the shops.  

So, I have categorised my chores or to do list for the household into daily, weekly, monthly, every four months or twice a year.  Let's see how I go in living an "ordered" life.  :) 

In addition to the visual chart, these are 'to-do-list"
Living room: Sweep and mop floor, Tidy up shelves, declutter

Main bedroom 1: Sweep and mop floor, Tidy up shelves, wardrobes, drawers, change and launder bedlinen, blankets, covers, declutter wardrobe, make beds

Bedroom 2: Sweep and mop floor, Tidy up shelves, wardrobes, drawers, change and launder bedlinen, blankets, covers, declutter wardrobe, make beds

Study room: Vacuum carpets, declutter desks, tidy up shelves, organise files, shred sensitive unwanted documents, scanned important documents/receipts, tidy up Mac

Laundry: launder clothes, sort clothes,

Bathroom, toilet 1 & 2: Sweep and mop, bathtubs, shower screens, wall wipe down, cistern disinfected and brushed, seats cleaned, vanity tops wiped, vanity cupboard tidy and declutter

Daily upkeep: all trash bins in house taken out, sweep and mop floors after meals, wipe counters and cooktop after cooking, dishes washed and drained, put away, new hand towels.

Next thing I am going to do is to try to cut down on my grocery bill, have a meals or menu plan for the family, so I only buy what I need, and not have to throw away wasted raw veggies cause its overdue or mouldy.

Every month:
Change and launder my curtains in 1 bedroom, car wash, blinds and windows cleaned

Every 4 months:
Sofa and cushion covers cleaned, declutter, store away out of season clothes, bedding etc....

By the way, I found this website, that lets you do great design for cards, greeting and anything you need to have a visual for.  

Will try this routine out for a month and see how it works out.  
